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Hello to you all again on this miserable Saturday!

Well, what a week it's been weather wise! From what I've seen on social media, it seems to have persistently poured down all week throughout the whole of the U.K.

My son, his wife and two girls were camping earlier on in the week, so for the first three days whilst they were away, I had to go to their house twice a day to feed the little menagerie! No dog this time as he was camping with them, but I needed to feed the cat, the tortoise, two rabbits and not only their two guinea pigs, but two others who they? were looking after for a friend! Other than the cat, all the others are kept outside and I got bloody drenched on two occasions standing out there feeding them all. This coming week, my pet-sitting duties continue as my daughter and family are in Cornwall for the week. At least this time it's only two gorgeous moggies to see to twice a day!

My pleasure of the week has been posting my two author interviews here on my blog. Tuesday's interview was with author, Julie Fearn and Friday was the turn of crime writer, Ken Ward. Two fascinating interviews!

This next week we have Utah writer, Robin Leemann Donovan and U.K. born, Ian Grant facing the questions. Another two to look out for!

Aside from the author interviews, I've spent most of the week doing a final read through and mini edit of the final book of my trilogy, "The Scars" and have started work again on a project that has been on hold for a few years, "For my Wife". I am writing this one under the new pen-name, F.L. Gray. I've also got another pair of projects on the go. I'll jump back and forth between these latest three as the character's demand.

For those of you who don't know, I'm having serious issues with KDP at the minute. About ten days ago the terminated my account without any warning. To my knowledge, I have done nothing wrong to warrant that action on their part. I have ALLi taking over the matter and hopefully they will get somewhere with my case! In the meantime, I'm looking at publishing on other platforms and perhaps selling directly from my website. I'll keep you informed when I know more.

That's all for now, other than to wish every one of you, an enjoyable and happy weekend!





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