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Good morning to you all!

It's Tuesday again and it never ceases to amaze me at the speed these weeks are passing us by!

It seems like barely five minutes have gone since my granddaughters all broke up for school holidays! And after mostly rain and more rain, it will soon be September and back they go without much in the way of summer! My youngest granddaughter will soon learn how very different infant school is after being in Nursery for the last two/three years.

It's back to writing for me at the moment as I'm waiting delivery of the next two ebook covers for "The Healing" and "The Scars". Nielsen Title Editor should be in touch over the next week and then I can assign titles to the ISBN's and crack on with the paperbacks for my trilogy! I can't wait to get my books out there again. Life is playing a waiting game!

Getting back to the business in hand, here is my interview with the lovely Belinda E. Edwards!

Eva: Welcome Belinda, and thank you for taking part in my series of author interviews. Now, let’s get started! Tell us all about yourself (as in, a bit of a biography).

Belinda: Hi All, I’m Belinda E. Edwards and I was born in Nottinghamshire and still love to get back there when I can, but I met the love of my live and moved to East Yorkshire which I also love.

When I was leaving school, you pretty much expected to start a career and do that for 40 years, then retire. I retired first at 42! And I’ve have had several goes at retiring since then and here I am three years into writing romance novels. Never expected that at sixteen.

I’ve had a few different jobs and very varied roles in my life and each one has helped lead me to where I am right now. My first published series is about what happens when Love Comes with the Job, so I have put that to good use, although I must say I have never been a professional cricketer!

How many books have you written up to now? Are they published or self-published? What genre are they?

I have self-published three books so far and have a list of stories still left to write. At this point in my life, I like the independence and control self-publishing gives me and I’m not looking for a traditional contract, but ‘never say never’, because life changes and so does this industry, so who knows what comes next.

Of all the genres there are, is there any genre/s that you feel you wouldn’t be able to write and why? Is there any genre that you really wish you could write, but feel you wouldn’t be able to do it justice?

I don’t enjoy thrillers as a reader, so I don’t think I want to write them. Life is too short to do things you don’t enjoy. Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do. It took me too many years to realise that was possible, and I’m hope I don’t waste time not doing that now.

Do you have any favourite ‘out-of-the-ordinary’ words that you like to use in your books? What are those words? Also, what words used by other authors irritate you more than they should?

I don’t think so.

Do you sing at all, be it karaoke, in a choir or have done so professionally? Whether you have or not, have you ever written (or had the urge to write) any song lyrics? Have those lyrics been used at all?

I listen to music and I might join in a chorus or too, but it’s not a big part of my life. I think certain songs help me feel the emotions I am trying to share.

What question would you like to pose, (if you were to ever interview your favourite author), which never seems to get asked in author interviews? And who is that favourite author?

At this point of my career I have so many questions for other authors. I guess at the moment I would love to know more about how they get the words out. What software they use, or special keyboards? Tips for getting the words out of my brain and on paper.

If you were to ever write a children’s book, (and those of you who already do) would you/do you do the illustrating yourself, make use of a family member or friend’s talent or pay an illustrator? Do you solely write or do you have any other creative pursuits?

I love that idea, but my drawing skills aren’t good enough. I am hoping, or do I mean dreaming of painting my book covers, OR maybe that is just what I tell myself when I buy even more art supplies?

I was a rubber stamp designer and learnt many crafts to show just how versatile a stamp came be. Twice a year I would spend 24 hours focusing on how many ways you could use one stamp design. I had help from other crafters. We had a real blast doing it and I hope it opened a few eyes at what you could do.

Of all the characters you have created, who is your favourite? And why?

Charlie Robertson, he was my first book boyfriend, and well, do you ever really forget your first guy?

Have you ever killed off a character in your books (I’m sure you have)? If so, was it because…it fitted nicely into the storyline? OR…Did you start to really dislike the character and, with too much work involved to re-write without that character, think it the easiest option to have that person die?

I have had people die in my books, but so far only during the natural cycle of life. I have one really slimy guy, (we have all met one!) but he is the same guy in every book so far…“I sincerely hope that one day, a husband or a father will put him in his place- on his arse.”

We are all waiting for that day.

Are any of your characters based on family members or friends? Have you kept their characters totally true to life or have you given them bonus traits that you wish they possessed in real life?

No, every character so far has been from my imagination, although I borrow traits from people I know. Daniel Woods had a lot of my husband’s behaviours in him. And I borrow names, even without realising it sometimes.

Relationships/family life aside, what are your TWO main regrets in life?

Taking too long to realise the way life had changed, and we didn’t have to stay employed in one job for forty years.

What was your passion as a child? Did that passion stay with you during your adult life OR did you, as you grew up begin to detest what you once enjoyed?

Animals! I was a pony mad little girl who loved every animal I met. It hasn’t gone away, but I never lived with anyone who shared the same level of love for animals. As a child, I had a cat, a budgie and a goldfish. The three dogs I had in my life were my great friends and loves. Right now, I foster for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. If you visit me, I generally have a dog in my life, but it is probably not the one you met the last time you came.

What was your best subject throughout your school years? And your worst?

My best subject was chemistry, possibly because I loved each of my chemistry teachers. I went on to teach it myself.

My worst subjects were languages including English which I really struggled with.

Tell me about your favourite teacher throughout your school years? Was it a crush you had? Were they just an excellent teacher of your favourite subject?? Or some other reason…kind, fun, generous…?

I had a fabulous relationship with two guys in my final years in school, Head of Science and Head of sixth form (who taught me Maths). They were great teachers who inspired me to teach, they looked out for me during some tough years and yes, I probably had a small crush on them both. Out of everyone, they are the ones I wish could see me now, to see what I have done with my life.

Did either of your parents ever express a wish to write? Are they supportive and proud of your work? Or do they just choose to not get involved, but they are pleased for you?

My parents both died before I started to write. I don’t think either wanted to write although Dad kept a diary and Mum was a big reader, especially romance. She would love that I had written books and would be telling her friends all about it.

Tell us about your ultimate ambition, be it personal, travel, writing, work, hobby related or other?

I have no one traditional sort of goal. These days I measure success on how I feel. Try it yourself. Ask yourself how do you want to feel? How do you want to feel when you wake up on Monday morning? At some point, I want to write a book about that too!

Do you have any phobias and if so, what are they? Have you ever conquered any phobia and if so, how did you do it?

Not really had any phobias, a few things I am not keen on, but I can deal with them.

Most people I know are not happy with something physical about themselves (face/body etc.,) but if you could change anything about your personality, what would you wish to change?

I am a very loyal person, and I wouldn’t want to change that. What I would change is how I

feel when other people aren’t as loyal. We can’t all be the same, and I tell myself not to be hurt when others don’t behave like I would. I understand it logically, but my heart still feels the pain.

What is your ‘go to’ snack, whatever the time of day? And drink of your choice?

Drinks I am very random with and pretty varied with snacks too, but when it comes to a comfort snack, its tea and toast if I can, or dark chocolate.

Cats or dogs? What do you have? Do you introduce any pets into your books?

I’m very much a why choose with a lot of things but my answers earlier will show you I love dogs. I’m often asked which dog I want to foster next, spaniel, labrador, etc… I just say if a dog needs a home it’s welcome.

Here is one of my ex-dogs living his best life in a house full of cats. Here he is with Kiki, who he as a special bond with. She started cuddling into him when she was tiny and it’s easy to understand why. Everyone I know loves to cuddle Garry. (Eva: Garry and Kiki look totally adorable, Belinda! I'm sure I would enjoy cuddles from him, too!)

Garry is a name I used in one of my books, and this time I pinched some physical description


“Garry Bayliss …. He was taller than the rest of the group, with longish shaggy blonde hair. Find Garry and the rest of his teammates including my favourite Charlie Robertson here

Stay in touch with me here

Thank you once again Belinda for agreeing to take part in the interviews and for a fascinating look into your life.

Next interview up on Friday, is author Antony Dunford. Don't miss it!


Love and hugs,




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