A BIG Hello to all my beautiful friends and readers,
I hope you have all had a fantastic few days since my last blog post, and have stayed healthy and safe!
If you have read my last couple of posts, you will know that last week was a week of annual leave for me. With those 5 days sandwiched between two weekends, I had a total of 9 days during which I planned to be working on ‘Going For It’ – final part of the ‘Goings On’ trilogy.
DAY 1 - Originally, I had set myself a ridiculous (I see it now!) target of 5000 words per day and was hoping that this would give me a grand total of 45,000 word count after the 9 nine days had finished. Just to refresh your memory, on day one, I achieved 5085 words, with no problems whatsoever.
DAY 2 – I started writing first thing in the morning as I had an appointment around mid day, but in that mornings session I managed to write 665 words. I had been hoping to add to that after my couple of hours break, but on returning home I realised that it wasn’t to be. As I sat at my P.C. and opened my manuscript, I started to feel very uncomfortable, immediately thinking that I was having an episode of acid indigestion. No further words were typed up that day.
DAY 3 – I managed to achieve 5888 words but as I sat there and opened my document I was experiencing more symptoms. The feelings were not so much like acid indigestion, but more in the way of churning/butterflies in my tummy, my heart was racing, my hands were shaking, nausea and fuzzy headedness. Even though it was an awesome word count, I had started at 9am and ended the days writing at just gone 11pm, during which time I had taken frequent half hour breaks to let my discomfort subside for a while.
DAY 4 – Experiencing exactly the same symptoms every time I opened my manuscript, I started to think that I was perhaps putting too much pressure on myself. As a result of those thoughts, I decided to forget about my 5000 words per day target and just accept that any number of words would suffice. So in day four I managed to achieve 4221 words.
DAY 5 – Yet again, I had identical symptoms, and at times felt quite ill, but I knocked out 1604 words.
DAY 6 – Started again with the same, and I felt terrible. I didn’t get much done in the morning. During one of my frequent breaks, I was on Facebook and I am not sure how it came about but I was challenged by an author friend to write a poem about spiritual things/mediumship, as she was quite surprised to learn that although I am a medium, I had admitted to not having written a poem on this subject before. Early afternoon I sat at the P.C. for two hours writing a poem about said subject. I experienced no symptoms whatsoever during that time. Strangely enough, throughout the week, and during my Facebook visits and blog posting, I didn’t seem to be having symptoms either. Day 6 count was 2335 words.
DAY 7 – Having been a little later to drag my butt out of bed, I didn’t sit down at the P.C. until past 10am. I may as well not have bothered. The minute I opened my manuscript, the symptoms hit once again, only more severe. I immediately closed the document and turned the computer off, defeated. Chatting about what I was experiencing with a very dear friend, I was told to leave the manuscript alone and keep away from my computer. A walk was suggested (my first breaths of fresh air since leaving work the previous Friday). We set off for a local nature reserve. As we approached the gate, a robin landed on the gate, quickly gave me what I deemed to be a nod of approval, and promptly flew off. A couple of hours later, as I walked into the house, my mind was made up. No writing – and a 0 word count and NO symptoms!
DAY 8 – No writing. Hence 0 word count. As I sat having my first caffeine fix of the day, it dawned on me what the symptoms were all about – what I had been experiencing were ‘panic attacks’. Texting yet another dear friend and updating her with my symptoms and word counts, her answer came without hesitation. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be writing that book at the moment. I’m getting that there is another book you want to start. Spirit have been sending you the symptoms to make you realise that!”
In the three years that I have been doing my Advanced Mediumship Development, I have never been one for making calls to my mentor, but suddenly I knew that I needed to contact her! We exchanged a few texts followed by a telephone call and discussed the way I had been feeling, and she totally agreed that I was not supposed to be working on that book, but a new one! Spirit were showing me. A few synchronicities also came to light during the call.
The poem I had written on the Thursday was titled ‘My Door to Love and Peace’. I posted it to Facebook somewhere around 2pm that same day. Just before 7pm that evening, Debra made a Facebook post (unusual for her at that time of day) and the post showed a picture of a door (to the spirit world) and the words ‘love’ and ‘peace’ had cropped up several times during the post. She was also doing a development class that evening on Zoom and during the meeting she was discussing ‘Joseph and his Technicoloured Dream Coat’. When the class had finished she had seen my poem on Facebook, with my opening line being ‘I close my eyes’…which is of course, the opening line to ‘Any Dream Will Do’ from the stage musical ‘Joseph...’
DAY 9 – Still leaving the computer and my document well alone, therefore 0 word count.

On Monday, I returned to work, which was in the main, uneventful, but there was a little gift for me when I arrived home that night! A friend’s mother had very kindly sent me a little prezzie – two poetry books (see pic) which cannot, for obvious reasons be sold in the charity shop where she volunteers. She thought maybe I would like them! Another sign??
The book that I am waiting to get started on is called ‘The Edge of Heaven – my mediumship journey’. Maybe the title of the poetry book above means that I should start my new book soon, or at least, not just focus on my erotic novel, but work on the two at the same time!
I’ll leave you all to draw your own conclusions on the matter.
Big love and hugs, and stay safe!
Eva xxx