A cheery Hi to all my beautiful readers and friends,
Wow! I’m so excited. Do you want to know why? Of course you do!! Don't you??
Here goes then! Starting from 5pm this Friday, I am on a week’s annual leave from work! That is 9 days counting the two weekends! Nine days in which some serious shit is going down! I’m going to be writing! The final book in my trilogy ‘Going For It’ is crying out to be finished, and not before time!! I am setting myself a target of 5000 words per day for each of those nine days! Yes! That would be 45,000 words in those nine days. I’m planning to be extremely strict, focussed and try to meet my targets...and stay DISCIPLINED! Feel free to kick ass if you see that I'm not playing ball! I need you to do that!! Please?? Just for me!!

I'm also intending to incorporate spending one hour per day on the first book, doing a bit of a revamp and giving it a new title! Yes, I was thrilled when I first completed it, but now, I can see that there is room for improvement! It was my FIRST book after all! I’m still reasonably happy with book two ‘Comings and Goings’, but I will be doing a little editing to that too! So watch this space for more news on those two, along with updates on, and teasers from ‘Going For It’!

Besides wanting to give my fans what they have been waiting for, (for far too long I might add), I have another reason for wanting the trilogy completed! I have other exciting projects in mind that I am eager to start, but I know it would be wrong to commence work on those before finishing the trilogy!
There are just a couple of little things I need to attend to this coming weekend, but hopefully they won’t eat too much into my writing time. This coming Saturday morning I will be taking part in my mediumship development class via a workshop with our mentor, Debra, on Zoom and on Sunday I will be taking 2-3 hours out to get my Reiki attunement and hopefully I will be achieving my Reiki Master Degree! I’m looking forward to having another string to my bow! I love giving Reiki healing!
So from all I've revealed above, do you get the impression that this girl is finally getting her shit together!!?? I hope so! I'm full of determination - something that has been seriously lacking in me for the last 3 years!
Look out for my next blog, you lovely people!
All my love to each and every one of you!
Eva xxx