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2019 - A Busy Year!

A warm Hello to all my lovely friends and readers!

Here I am again…and as promised within a week of my last blog post! Three cheers for me!

So for those interested enough, I will now do a quick recap of how 2019 was for me and that should bring you all up to date with the private life of Eva for now!

Important things first…throughout the year it has been my total pleasure to watch my youngest granddaughter, Brooke, (born 21.10.18) in her development. She is a total delight. Walking by the age of 9 months, she quickly discovered that she wanted to move even faster and the walk soon turned into a very dangerous run (nightmare!). What a funny little girl she is…a natural comedienne. Never before have I seen such a little darling doing so many things to make people laugh (and of course, to make her the centre of everyone’s attention). She loves centre stage! I can’t wait to see how her character develops in the future! Proud ‘Nana’ moments!

Another major event in my life was to meet my newly adopted and beautiful little sister, Helen, for the first time ever! Helen and I had been friends (thank you Facebook!) for two or three years and we decided it was time to meet up for a weekend. As Helen lives near London and myself, in good old Yorkshire, we decided to meet in Nottingham, sort of a half-way destination. We booked a couple of rooms in the Hilton for a couple of nights during April and were hoping to have a nice sunny weekend sightseeing as well as getting to know each other better over meals and alcohol. Well, the meals and copious amounts of alcohol certainly served us well, but the sightseeing not at all. Every time we stepped outside we were literally freezing our tits off…the wind was howling and there was plenty of heavy showers. All we wanted to do was to be indoors!! However, we managed to have a fantastic time. We bought our own booze to take back to our hotel rooms and spent much of our time laughing and giggling, sharing secrets and generally getting to know each other better! Our ‘little sis, big sis’ relationship had been born and the best part …we started to make further plans for meeting up again!!

Our next ‘get together’ was a four night stay at Helen’s house for a long Bank Holiday weekend in August and the weather was beautiful and RED HOT!! When we were not out gallivanting, we spent much of it in Helen’s beautiful back garden sun-bathing! Yet again we had a fabulous time! I think the highlight for us both, was a visit to the Harry Potter Studio on the Sunday (which Helen had pre-booked our tickets for). It was totally awesome for me in particular, being the HP geek that I am! Sunday night turned out to be our most drunken night of my visit! It was so hot, even at 1.30am. We had the windows wide open and were singing (albeit drunkenly!) at the top of our voices! It was a wonder we didn’t get a visit from the police, we were so loud! Also, during my stay I finally got to visit Helen’s allotment (I’d previously seen lots of her gardening pics on Facebook) – she’s a keen and very proud gardener, and rightly so! Other highlights were meeting her daughter and son and some of her grandchildren, including Alice, (the newest addition to her family at only a few weeks old) at a ‘Welcome Alice’ party! It was a truly lovely day. I was so sad on the Tuesday morning, to be heading to the train station for my journey back to Yorkshire!! Not to worry, there will hopefully be plenty more times to look forward to!! Love you, my beautiful little sis!

A VERY sad moment for me arrived in May 2019. Christina (my real life work buddy and larger than life character from the second part of my trilogy ‘Comings and Goings’) left our workplace. I had worked with her for five years and believe me when I tell you that it had been a laugh a minute. Never before have I missed a colleague like I miss Christina. But after 28 years of working there, she felt that a change was needed. It has been a move that has worked out well for her, so I truly wish her well.

Now…exactly what did I achieve outside of my ‘day job’ working hours? Ermm…well I built a fairy garden!! (Yes! I actually built a fairy garden…you did read that correctly! I did something creative for a change!) To be honest, I loved every minute of it and I was delighted with the final result. I would love to create another one this year, if the mood takes me.

I also spent quite a bit of time during 2019, meeting up with some of my gorgeous friends for meals, or a Costa, and even some lovely walks on the beach collecting sea-glass. Thanks in particular to Lyndsay, Paula, Teresa, Julie and Nevin! I’ve missed you all terribly during the lockdown months!!

Throughout the year I also kept up with my advanced mediumship development, attending our monthly group class, two weekend (Feb and Nov) and a one five day (Sept) residential seminars. Throughout the year our tutor, Debra, was coaching us with the intention for a couple of small groups to do a ‘student demonstration in mediumship’ for the general public. It wasn’t a compulsory thing, it was down to each student whether they wished to take part. With great trepidation, I signed up. It was to be on 4th December at 7.30pm. Never in my life had I felt such nerves, and right up to the last minute I considered walking out of the door never to return! However, spirit did not let me down. The audience at a guess, must have been approximately 100 people. Each of us (seven in all) had 15 minutes, which seemed like a long time, but once the messages started to flow, the time flew past so quickly. It was a very successful evening and the messages and evidence which came through from spirit were awesome. I was relieved after it was all over but so glad that I had actually done it, my first ever mediumship demonstration…a truly fabulous experience and I genuinely hope there will be more!

My other great achievement from 2019 was becoming attuned and completing my Reiki I and Reiki II Degrees, and in just over a weeks’ time, I will hopefully become attuned and pass my Reiki Master Degree.

I think that just about brings you up to date!

I’ll say goodbye for now my friends!

My love and hugs as always!

Eva xxx

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