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More good than bad....

A cheery hello to all my friends and readers,

Surprisingly, it’s been a more positive week.

Monday night after work I met up with my lovely friend and ex colleague Sue, for a pre-Christmas catch up and a couple of drinks (sadly it was only coffee as both of us had to drive). We exchanged gifts and cards and I enjoyed spending a lovely couple of hours in her company.

Since that night, I’ve had my nails done, visited my eldest brother (on his birthday) and been to the diabetic clinic for my first big check up since my diagnosis! Surprise, surprise…it’s going really well. My blood count was down from a worrying 10 last time, to just 4.4. Bridget, the nurse, congratulated me and said to carry on what I’ve been doing. Hmmm, I haven’t been particularly good (which has involved a little consumption of some cakes and biscuits!!) so all I can say on the matter is…the Metformin are doing their job brilliantly! I went straight from the surgery to visit my daughter and she had cooked a fabulous meal, beef casserole which was served with potatoes and veggies. I have to say, she is finally turning into a much more confident cook these days! It was truly delicious.

This morning I received by email, what I hope are to be my last edits from my publisher for “Going Up and Going Down” and “Comings and Goings”. I didn’t have much work to do at them, just a few small additions. They are all done now and have been emailed back! I’ll wait to hear back as to when the release date will be and I’ll keep you all updated.

All my love for now

Eva xxx

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