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Write On It!!

Oh no! Double first caffeine fix of the morning complete with two Truvia sweeteners!! My God, do those things leave an extremely unpleasant aftertaste!!! URGHHH!! But hey ho...this is the way I have to go!

It was a reasonably steady day at work today with a Business Update meeting at 2pm! Nice! Highlight of the new yummy discovery (replacing shed loads of biscuits and a Cadbury's Pot of Joy after my sandwich)....Mullerlight rhubarb crumble and custard flavoured yoghurt!! Hey seriously...they are truly delicious!!!

After work it was time to have my nails done again by my talented technician Sarah Knowlson.

I chose my favourite turquoise and pale grey again with some tiny gemstones....lovely!!!

Since 8pm I have been slaving away on my Word document... the scripts for the first few frames of our 'erotic' graphic novel 'Tasered'. My partner-in-crime, and illustrator, is waiting to start work on the drawings! To him: Come on sweetie, get your thinking cap on and come up with your pseudonym! I'm waiting patiently! LOL!!

Take care readers


Eva xxx

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