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Just your image on my mind…

the hint of a handsome smile…

and I’m falling…into the depths of those eyes.

Plummeting deeper, I search…

penetrating your beautiful soul…

a work of art….


The connection has been made…

intelligence, warmth…a kindred spirit…

Oh, so…rare! I’m drawn.

Our fingers…dancing…light touches…

keyboard strokes…miles apart…

and yet…


…closer now…our conversation…

Only ours… imagination…significance…drawing me in…

that attentiveness…the magnetism of your fascinating mind…

I am quickly immersed…bathing in that warmth…

treading water…hearing your voice …

…feeling brush strokes within me…


We plunge deeper…into sensuality…

and eroticism…awakening, wanting more…

Seduction…drawn…both of us…

A vortex…minds, bodies…intensity…

beautiful addiction…pulling us…

…caught up in that rush of energy…


Your image…your words…

always on my mind…

the promise of what is to come…

tendrils, creeping throughout my being…

…pulling us even closer….

Heat…alive…searing heat…


Joy, laughter…happiness…

hungry minds…hungry bodies and souls…

Heat…flames of burning passion…

Wild, then wilder still…consuming us…

Time will be forgotten…tenderness…

…bodies…spent…yet craving…wanting more…


Minds…and skin…fused…

dancing together…the world forgotten…

appetites satiated…for at least a short while…

…dying embers will re-ignite…

Memories of what will pass…our minds will keep alive…

…etched forever in our souls…drawn there…


© Eva Bielby   May 2018

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